SG NextBus – Estimate arrival time for SG buses!

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Date: May 7, 2011 Review by: Simon Tay

Seller: Hon Cheng Muh

SG NextBus is an iPhone/iPod Touch application that lists estimated arrival time of public buses in Singapore. Arrival time is supported for all SBS buses, and some SMRT buses at certain locations.


  1. Ability to see in almost real time when the next bus is arriving and plan ahead of schedule if you want to rush to the bus stop or not.
  2. Able to find out what bus numbers are available at a specific location
  3. The bookmarking of several location bus stop feature is fantastic, my usual bus stop can be stored inside without searching again.


  1. If you missed the first page instruction when you first start up, you will be confused on how to use the application initially. Need more interactive help tips when faced with an empty center region.
  2. The bus arrival time database only include SBS & some SMRT buses and that means there are plenty of bus services do not have information on their arrival times.
  3. Sometimes opening the Map can crash the application when the iPad is running lot’s of background applications.
  4. It will be excellent if the developer can merge both the SG NextBus & SG Buses V3 into a single application to show more information on the bus routes that will be fantastic!
  5. I hope one day to have a application that can view selected bus moving “live” on a map in real time with estimated arrival time beside it…can make it happen?

Overall, this application is a must have for people living in Singapore and always depends on the local public transport for moving around Singapore.

Category: Travel
Type: Universal App
Seller: Hon Cheng Muh

Price for iPhone: Free (As of: May 7, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

Price for iPad: Free (As of: May 7, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

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