Edit your photos with Photo Power on iOS
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Date: July 31, 2014 Review by: iPhomemaniac

Seller: Xing Bi

Photo Power is a new powerful tool for photo editing on your iPhone & iPad devices. App features enhanced photo editing options, a simple yet customizable user interface, as well as a wide array of helpful tools to help anyone use their mobile cameras more effectively and with little or no hassle.

Besides helping the mobile photographer gain maximum edit features over their photos, this application features a number of innovative specific assistive options.  

Photo Power was developed to be a fully functional editing photo studio that users could utilize to edit quality their personal photos.

Newly updated, Photo Power now has its whole digital formal wear photo layers available to users without the need to purchase them via in-app purchase as well as app has enabled the blending mode for Gradient Overlay, Improved HDR algorithm and much more. 

App is the first app of its kind that gives photographers power to edit their photos with brilliant editing features and do it in a high quality as well.

App is an immensely user-friendly tool, and is firmly geared to be both practical and flexible enough to cater to even the most industrious users.

Offering 37 kinds of features: Selective Color, Hue/Saturation, Color Levels, Color Balance, Reduce Noise, Dynamic Range and some exclusive features that  offers only  PhotoPower app gives huge creativity space for all iOS shoppers.

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Aptly billed as the ultimate photo editing tool , Photo Power lets users edit their photos in easy steps that even the most novice mobile photographers can follow. 

The only thing that limits users with Photo Power is their imagination. Each of the included editing features was designed to be both pleasing to the eye as well as flexible for the mobile photographer using it to make some art.  

Editing photos has never been easier than with Photo Power app. Grab it now and start piecing together your next masterpiece right now!

Type: Universal App
Seller: Xing Bi

Price for iPhone: $2.99 (As of: July 31, 2014 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

Price for Mac: $4.99 (As of: July 31, 2014 Report)

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