TVOut 2 for iPad!

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Date: May 14, 2010 Review by: Simon Tay

UPDATE: The below instructions are for the older version of TVOut2, the new version (TVOut2 Mirror TVOut) you can get it directly from Cydia

This is a review for the jailbroken iPad Application call “TVOut 2” beta version which is currently updating in the versions as we speak.

Note that once the beta copy is fully completed without further bugs it will be released by the developer to cydia store.

However, if you want to test out the beta copy of this app follow the steps below.

  1. Jailbreak your iPad
  2. Go to
  3. Register for the forum & log into the forum
  4. Download the “” & unzip it
  5. Go Cydia & download “OpenSSH”
  6. Use your favorite FTP/SSH program (I use Filezilla) to transfer the “tvout2.deb” into /tmp/ folder in your iPad (Username: root, Default Password: alpine)
  7. GET iSSH from iTunes (Free cydia app “mobile terminal” not working for iPad at this moment)
  8. Configure your iSSH to connect to your iPad own IP Address (use SBSetting to see your iPad IP address)
  9. Use iSSH to navigate to /tmp/ folder on your ipad (You need to know the a little terminal commands to do that)
  10. dpkg -i /tmp/tvout2.deb && killall SpringBoard” (without double quotes) in the iSSH to install the app.
  11. Remember to install the cydia app “SBSetting” as well to toggle the TVOut2 ON/OFF.

Important to CHANGE YOUR Root Password immediately so that you won’t be HACKED by other if you leave your OpenSSH OPENED during Public wifi connection outdoors.

Of course if you are not comfortable in jailbreaking or using command lines to access your iPhone/iPodtouch/iPad, kindly refrain from doing it and wait for OS 4.0 by Apple.

Note: According to my testing, not all applications can TV out to the Television mostly are games with high 3D elements simply can’t tv output for now.

Category: JailBroken, Cydia Apps

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