The War of Eustrath HD – Best SRPG Many endings!

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Date: June 20, 2011 Review by: Simon Tay

Seller: iQubi Inc.

The War of Eustrath is a Strategic/Tactical RPG.

You control various units -called ‘GEAR’s- and characters with unique abilities in semi-real time battles.
Enjoy battles and tales of knights with mysterious power in the world of Eustrath.

The results of battles and choices YOU make in the story affect the story and even the ending of this game.
Join the group of brave young soldiers. And see how the war ends with your own eyes.


The stage of this game is the world called “Eustrath”. Even though it has advanced technologies it differs from Earth by the existence of Elementals. Like magic in a typical fantasy world, the power of Elementals is accepted and utilized in everyday life. One of them are fighting machines called “Elemental GEARs”.

And there are also fighting machines called “Mechanical GEARs” whose power comes from the pure mechanical energy not elemental energy. These GEARs (both Elemental and Mechanical) are natural element of Eustrath. People accept them as part of their life and mainly utilize them for warfares.

Throughout the history of “Eustrath”, there were three great wars recorded. This game is an attempt to revive one of those wars. The heroine of the game is a country girl “Tiana”. You can control her and her companions to build the history of Eustrath.


Over 50 campaign stages are playable with several endings including a special one.
– More than 20 unique characters and over 40 units.
– Special abilities make battles more fun to play.
– Upgrade GEARs using various items.
– Intuitive User Interface.
– Many awesome illustrations in game.
– Highly detailed graphics.


  1. This game will suck your attention into it so much so that you don’t realized that the weekend had passed & you are late for work
  2. The tutorial within this game is too basic and did not cover majority of the tactics & tricks on how to defeat difficult bosses
  3. Lack of a playable tutorial level for newbies to know some form of tactics
  4. The conversation text sometimes overshoot the window cutting off a bit
  5. If your music sounds shaky in & out of battle, go to option & turn up the music volume within the game to fix that problem
  6. There must be a better graphics to represent the units on the map then head of the “gears” right? At least a shrink down version of the gears will be nicer 😀
  7. The map is really 1990s graphics that reminds me of Command & Conquer, it’s time to upgrade it to some nicer 3D engines …Unreal engine?

Overall this game is one of those game that I say my money is TOTALLY WELL SPENT as you get many hours to many days worth of game play with multiple endings with each decisions you made within the game!

The story is so very entertaining & emotional for some, it will definitely grip your hearts and wrench it with the kind of pain that you will ROAR with anger when you get defeated, jump in joy when you defeat the boss and cry in pain when something dramatic happened. (not going to reveal it)

This game certainly is a roller coaster ride with lot’s of challenging tactical game play that will challenge many gamers.

Tips & tricks by me!

  1. SAVE often! When the key character dies namely “Luke” the whole game is over and you don’t want to replay from the beginning!
  2. Quick save is different from Save, quick save allow you to save within a combat and restore to where you left off during combat
  3. Try to note down all the levels that you need to make different decisions as you might want to go back & try a different decision later
  4. Different landscape have different “conceal” & “defense” points, find a good landscape to stand on & then wait for enemy to approach you!
  5. You will pick up rare upgrades along the way, notably the repair module that allow one of your “gears” to HEAL others when standing beside
  6. Additional abilities give you advantages over enemies, one call “Attributes” is GREAT for leveling so use it ALWAYS!
  7. You cannot replay each stages to “grind” for “level up” hence you need to SEEK more battles & try not to avoid enemy hehe
  8. Certain elemental gears are good vs certain elemental gears, when you in combat check the blinking color beside each weapon to see if that weapons have advantages
  9. There’s no shame in “elude” & avoid enemy attack during combat especially you can’t hit back at all, Evade & Elude!
  10. Try to “wait” more often to restock your “Will” & “Energy” as those are your basic needs for using more powerful weapons!
  11. When a “+1” or “+2” appeared beside your gear, it means the number of “Will” points you acquired or lost using “-1” or “-2” and etc.
  12. Maximum “Will” & maximum “power” allow you to use the most powerful weapon available within that range
  13. Go to the developer website forum to read on more walkthrough & tips!

Here’s some links to read for more strategy & walkthrough for this game!

  1. A Few Battle Tips!
  2. Ver. 1.40 Story Variation, Routes, Secrets, Endings Guide
  3. Ver. 1.00 Will Characteristic Guide

My suggestion to new players is to DIVE right into the game & play first then after 10 hours of game play later, come back to this site & research on the tips & tricks for all the SECRETS ending & special stuff that you had missed!

This game is a must have, so BUY IT NOW! Below are some quick links for you to buy it.

Category: Games, Strategic RPG
Type: Separate App
Seller: iQubi Inc.

Price for iPhone: $5.99 (As of: June 20, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

Price for iPad: $7.99 (As of: June 20, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

Price for Mac: $9.99 (As of: June 20, 2011 Report)

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