Rescue Team

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Date: January 24, 2011 Review by: Simon Tay

Seller: Graffiti Games Desenvolvimento de Jogos Ltda

Be a rescuer in this new and amazing helicopter game!
Use your flying skills to find missing people, put out fires and save citizens in distress.
Patrol 10 different scenarios with their own, unique characteristics.

Maneuver your heli using our awesome Fly by One Finger System and a very easy to use HUD.


  1. 10 different and challenging scenarios!
  2. putting out fires!
  3. finding missing people!
  4. unlocking several kinds of helicopters, including amazing military crafts!
  5. managing the integrity of the craft, the fuel consumption and the capacity of rescues!
  6. playing hero and saving everybody!


  1. There’s no option to use accelerometer to control the aircraft
  2. When Choosing the aircraft, there’s no swipe screen to rotate choices of aircraft
  3. The fuel amount, time left & available seats are not shown in the main screen
  4. The two buttons to release hooks & water should be permanently displayed & a bigger trigger area so that it won’t accidentally touch the background & fly away
  5. Animation of sea & fire need more dramatic effects…maybe Unreal engine?

What I wish for developer to improve on is the following

  1. Include more variety of rescue to include real world examples like flash flood, injured mountain climber, sinking boats in violent sea, delivery of food ration to hungry to crisis zones & etc
  2. For known coordinates to automatically set in the map unless it’s unknown location but given a general area to search in zig zag flying routes
  3. Bigger Map!
  4. Voice conversation between control tower & pilot via the radio during mission alerts & other minor conversations
  5. Victims can do various acts to attract your attention like write words on roof tops, put a blinking torch lights on their life vest and maybe shout when you are near
  6. When rescued victims can probably say some words in gratitude e.g. “Oh Thank you!”, “Save my wife!”, “My dog!! My Dog!!” etc
  7. Add all the options in the “cons” list above

My opinions of this game is that it still needs a little polishing before prime time, developer don’t fret you already heading towards the right direction just try to improve on the updates & you will be successful.

Go test out “Chopper 2 – Majic Jungle Software” to find out what’s the standard for flying game as it not only uses accelerometer to control the helicopter but you can also use a iPhone to control the iPad via bluetooth!

Overall, Rescue Team is a satisfactory application do try the free version before buying at USD$1.99 for the iPhone version & USD$2.99 for the iPad HD version.

Free Promo code: RHA96YPJTJKX (First come first serve: once taken do put comment below that you had taken it. Thank you!)
To use the promo code simply do the following

  1. Go to iTunes
  2. Click iTunes Store
  3. Click iPhone Tab at top middle
  4. Click on “Redeem” on the menu at the right
  5. Copy the promo code “RHA96YPJTJKX” (without quotes)
  6. Paste in the text box & click the Redeem button

Category: Games, Flying
Type: iPhone/iPodTouch Only
Seller: Graffiti Games Desenvolvimento de Jogos Ltda

Price for iPhone: $0.99 (As of: January 24, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

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