“Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim” is a vast magical world where you are honored with the crown of a tiny fairytale kingdom. When you become the head of the country all the responsibility for the land’s prosperity rests on your royal shoulders.
You will have to fight various enemies and monsters, explore new territories, manage economic and scientific developments and solve a heap of unusual and unexpected tasks.
For example, what will you do when all the gold in the kingdom transforms into cookies? Or how will you bring back the trolls who robbed caravans and whose disappearance ruins the economy of the country?
- Unique indirect control of your heroes makes the game very “Sim City” like with the unique sense of responsibility to provide the heroes with the best weapons, armors and magic available for them to buy!
- Set your hero to their quest indirectly by placing “goals” like attack rewards & explore rewards!
- See your hero level up & get stronger so protect them with spells if available!
- Combat various monsters in different scenarios!
- Hours & hours of fun!
- The placement of buildings is a little awkward, sometimes the position shifted on the 2nd tap making it less optimum but with a little practice…it’s possible to make it right. However, I hope the developer can use the technique used by farmville that you need to confirm the position before placing it on the ground and of course allow rotation of buildings.
- The game is so much deeper than what the tutorial can teach, I hope the developer create a in-game forum for gamers to discuss about features & feedback to developers what they wish for
- I believe there can be more complex levels & triggers than killing every enemies in sight, take Command & Conquer for instance you can trigger so much more interesting scenario
- The sound effects (not the music) sometimes will disappear and sometimes it sounds a little off?
Overall, this game is definitely worth the $0.99 to buy but if you are not convince you can try the free version too!
Personally I had grown to enjoy this game over the last few days and I will probably play this game more often than I like to haha however the downside is that you need to set aside some time for this game otherwise you will feel that this game is going to take up too much time and quit the game too early.
Category: Games, RTS
Type: Universal App
Seller: HeroCraft Ukraine Ltd.
Price for iPhone: $0.99 (As of: May 14, 2012 Report)
Price for iPad: $0.99 (As of: May 14, 2012 Report)
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