Call of Mini™ Infinity Let’s Play & Review

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Date: August 18, 2014 Review by: Simon Tay

Seller: By Triniti Interactive Limited

In this episode for the review, I review & let’s play Call of Mini™ Infinity for iOS and Android By Triniti Interactive Limited.

This 3rd person shoot-em up space game looks like a mini version of HALO on the touch screen filled with lot’s of upgradable weapons, suits, add-on, skills and more!

The control of the game is relatively tough to get a hang on but once you get it, you will know how to play this game fluidly.

Tip: increase the sensitivity of the controls for faster turning & aiming.

Overall, the fun factor of the game ties with overwhelming other newbie players that doesn’t have the upgrades that you have no matter if it’s skills, weapon, armour or others.

The shock of being sniped from far away or wipe out by a maxed out grenade is not always fun as the sense of unbalance battle always irks me and I think drive many to use real money to buy the in-game currency.

The balancing of players should be up to individual to select and the risk vs rewards should be set properly so that new players won’t get easily overwhelmed at their 10th battles by maxed out players.

Personally, I hope the developer can have an option to battle higher level players with better rewards instead of mixing everyone in the same random matches regardless of their upgrade differences.

The reward of staying all the way within a match should be notified to everyone at the beginning of the battle to be prominent enough to reduce unbalance battles…as newbie players quit to restart another easier battle.

This game is definitely something for people who loves 3rd person shoot-em up games, with the “team fortress” feeling & cute mini-graphics and free to play with freemium in-app purchase model is definitely awesome but parents should lock their in-app purchase quickly as impulse purchase by raging kids is definitely the goal of the developers. 😀

Overall, it’s fun with lot’s of upgrade possibilities & I haven’t even explore the guild system and find out what benefits it brings to the players.



Category: Games, Shooter
Type: Universal App
Seller: By Triniti Interactive Limited

Price for iPhone: Free (As of: August 18, 2014 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

Price for iPad: Free (As of: August 18, 2014 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

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