B-Boy Beats – iPhone Finger Dancing Game

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Date: February 28, 2010 Review by: Simon Tay

Seller: Tag Games Limited

Are you ready to party? B-Boy Beats is a unique, all action, hip hop rhythm game set in 1980’s New York City. As the lead member of a new break-dance crew looking to gain respect, you’ll need to learn the latest moves and battle other crews to claim new turf across various city locations.


Place your fingers on the screen and get ready to move! Simply tapping isn’t enough to succeed in B-Boy Beats. Players must hold their fingers on the screen – giving the feel of virtual legs moving across a virtual dance floor!!

Learn the latest dance moves in the fully interactive tutorial before heading out onto the city streets. There are 10 break-dance moves to learn with each one requiring ever greater skill, timing and confidence to pull off. You knew the city was a dangerous place when you left the safety of the suburbs but are you ready to be tested to the limit? There are 7 hardcore crews each breaking on their home turf to take on and ultimately beat down in your quest to be the best in the city.

Underground Hip Hop ft MC Frontalot

B-Boy Beats features 17 dope tracks from the rising stars of underground Hip Hop. Led by Nerdcore and Penny Arcade favourite MC Frontalot the game also includes awesome tracks from Optimus Rhyme, Id Obelus, Ultraklystron, Rai and Magitek.


  1. The most original music game on iPhone today
  2. Face off against 7 NYC crews each with their own turf
  3. Awesome music talent from the hip hop underground
  4. Rhythm action game-play where your fingers become legs!
  5. 10 authentic break-dance moves to learn
  6. Easy and Hard difficulty levels for extra replay value
  7. Open Feint social network integration


  1. Extremely Catchy Music, all these musics are great even for just listening only!
  2. Very challenging game
  3. Very Addictive!
  4. New moves pattern in every new unlocked level!


  1. It’s frustrating to have the next steps partially covered by your own finger
  2. Need lot’s of practice!
  3. The Boos & Cheers got repetitive after a while, add more variety Yo!

B-Boy Beats Support

Category: Games, Arcade
Type: iPhone/iPodTouch Only
Seller: Tag Games Limited

Price for iPhone: $2.99 (As of: February 28, 2010 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

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