Easy Budget Application – Keep Your Budget Easily!

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Date: November 28, 2011 Review by: henkku

Seller: Arentas

Easy Budget App is the most simple budget app there is available. This app has been made to be very simple, so there are no confusing categories of where the money is spent; there is only the amount of the budget given with the timeframe. After every purchase, the amount of the money that was spent will be added to the app. The app will calculate how much money there is left and how many days it should still last. Budget keeping could not get any easier than this!

The app will help you to:

– control your finances better

– organize your finances by giving you the change to decide on advance how much money you can spend

– keep  your budget very easily and by keeping the budget, you will save more money

– focus on your money spending goals

– focus your energy on things that are important to you instead of worrying about finances

Click here for the introduction video!

Category: Finance
Type: iPhone/iPodTouch Only
Seller: Arentas

Price for iPhone: $0.99 (As of: November 28, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

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