Exitium: Saviors of Vardonia

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Date: September 1, 2011 Review by: Simon Tay

Seller: Minoraxis, Inc.

Fully HD for iPhone AND iPad: “Exitium: Saviors of Vardonia” is by far the biggest and most detailed game of its class on iOS!

Vardonia is a land in turmoil. Two rival kingdoms are at war, Arkan and Abylon. Wherever you allegiance may lie, all is not as it seems, as various plots unfold, revealing hidden agendas, and old, untameable gods and vicious monsters start to run amok.

A grand tale of intrigue, betrayal and redemption; discovery, sacrifice and glory, interlaced with fierce battles and challenging quests. Can YOU save the land of Vardonia?

FOUR playable characters! Each with unique skills, strengths, items and perspective!

Close-range weapons, powerful, heaps of weapons and armor to use.

Close-range weapons, swift and nimble, tons of weapons and armor to try out.

Long-range weapons, superior magical offense and passive HP recovery.
(I Think I got the old version which is passive MP recovery)

Long-range weapons, superior magical offense and Mana shield defense.


● 4 distinct classes to play, based on melee or magic!
● Online market; trade items found in the game with other players!
● Fast paced battle system, utilizing Skills and Magic. Passive and active skills enhance your character. Buff and debuff away!
● Fame Awards translate to Game Center Achievements when goals are achieved.
● Massive, beautifully rendered world to explore.
● Huge number of quests and side missions.
● Large array of weapons, armor, and garments to discover. Upgrade them at the blacksmith’s, and intensify them with magical gems.
● Create your own items using things found on your journeys.
● Premium items available as in-app purchases only for your convenience!


  1. The ability to MAIL items to anyone with a Game ID within the game is a bonus, that means you can play all four classes of characters & help each each other by sending items to yourself to complete quest. You can also send to your friends’ account too! 😀
  2. Trading online is excellent idea, the online flea market is really good to trade online!
  3. Super huge map for you to explore & large number of quests! Easily take up a full week to complete just one character class!
  4. The monsters do chase after you!! LOL


  1. The health & Magic point don’t regenerate automatically (except for Priestess have passive MP regeneration after completing a quest)
  2. Online flea market only shows cheapest & most expensive range of items! Anything in between seems to be lost so price your items wisely! Or developer make a Next & previous button please!
  3. Too much similar side quest that makes it too repetitive like the …apple quest hehe

Tips & tricks

  1. Always save after & before entering another NEW region as you never know if you are out matched by the monsters in the other side.
  2. Do not waste your resurrection scrolls, if you have save your game often you just need to select back your character & you be right where you left off where you had saved.
  3. Read the HELP Manual in the game
  4. Use your town portal scroll!! They are so good for long distance traveling!
  5. When stucked in a quest, always explore NEW area to seek clues to complete your quest
  6. Play all four class of characters as some gems you picked up can be MAILed to another character of different class using the Mailbox
  7. COINs can be earn via quest but they are rare so do not waste them.
  8. Different monsters uses different types of “magical attack”, collect different types of gems & use the correct one to intensify your armor or weapon against that monster’s magical attack e.g. poison, fire, ice, water & etc.
  9. Do take a break when you are tired, this game can go on & on & on haha so do rest when it’s time to rest 😀

I will write more tips when I discover them but I try my best not to give spoilers, if you have any tips or questions do share in the comments below! 😀

To buy this game, don’t need to search just click the link below!

Category: Games, RPG
Type: Universal App
Seller: Minoraxis, Inc.

Price for iPhone: $2.99 (As of: September 1, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

Price for iPad: $2.99 (As of: September 1, 2011 Report)
Click here to link to Apple AppStore

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